
The following settings can be overridden or modified in your to customize how dgeq works.


List functions available for c:aggregate and c:annotate. Must be a dictionary where the key is the name used in a query string, and the value a function returning an aggregate.

For the key, you can directly use the imported aggregate, or the corresponding dotted path.

Default value is :

    "max":    models.Max,
    "min":    models.Min,
    "avg":    models.Avg,
    "sum":    models.Sum,
    "stddev": models.StdDev,
    "var":    models.Variance,
    "count":  models.Count,
    "dcount": "dgeq.aggregations.DistinctCount",


Allow the redefinition of the list of commands use by DGeQ. For more information about commands, see Commands.

You can directly use the imported command, or the corresponding dotted path.

Default value is :



Default limit on row count when c:limit is not provided. Set to 0 to return every row. Should not be higher than DGEQ_MAX_LIMIT.

Default value is 10.


Default behaviour is to use queryset.filter() when filtering. Search modifier in this list will use queryset.exclude() instead.

Default value is :



DGeQ use a table to find which Django's lookup function to use according to the search modifier and the type of the value.

The table is defined as such :

    ('', int):         'exact',
    ('', str):         ('iexact', 'exact'),
    ('', datetime):    'exact',
    ('', type(None)):  'exact',

    ('!', int):        'exact',
    ('!', str):        ('iexact', 'exact'),
    ('!', datetime):   'exact',
    ('!', type(None)): 'exact',

    ('>', int):        'gt',
    ('>', float):      'gt',
    ('>', str):        ('gt', 'gt'),
    ('>', datetime):   'gt',

    ('[', int):        'gte',
    ('[', float):      'gte',
    ('[', str):        ('gte', 'gte'),
    ('[', datetime):   'gte',

    ('<', int):        'lt',
    ('<', float):      'lt',
    ('<', str):        ('lt', 'lt'),
    ('<', datetime):   'lt',

    (']', int):        'lte',
    (']', float):      'lte',
    (']', str):        ('lte', 'lte'),
    (']', datetime):   'lte',

    ('^', str):        ('istartswith', 'startswith'),
    ('$', str):        ('iendswith', 'endswith'),
    ('*', str):        ('icontains', 'contains'),
    ('~', str):        ('icontains', 'contains'),

For strings, the value is a tuple with the first element being the lookup to use if the search is NOT case-sensitive.

This table can be updated with the DGEQ_FILTERS_TABLE setting.

To add a filter, declare a new key/value pair :

    ('|', list): 'in'

To remove one of the default filter, set it to None:

    ('!', int): None

For some operation, you may want to take a look at DGEQ_EXCLUDE_SEARCH_MODIFIER above.


Maximum number of row returned in a response (set to '0' to allow any limit). The request will fail if a higher number is given to c:limit

Default value is 200.


Max depth of nested field, default value is 10.


Dictionary mapping django's model to a list of fields that will be marked as hidden. Hidden fields will never appear in the resulting row, and trying to interact with them (filtering, joins, aggregation...) will produce the same error as if the field did not exist.

This setting is global, for a finer control in views, use the public_fields, private_fields and use_permissions argument of GenericQuery.

For the key, you can directly use the imported model, or the corresponding dotted path.

Default value is :


See Censor for more information.


Dictionary mapping django's model to a list of fields that will be marked as public. Every other fields of the model not marked as public will be considered hidden. Hidden fields will never appear in the resulting row, and trying to interact with them (filtering, joins, aggregation...) will produce the same error as if the field did not exist.

This setting is global, for a finer control in views, use the public_fields, private_fields and use_permissions argument of GenericQuery.

For the key, you can directly use the imported model, or the corresponding dotted path.

Default value is :

    "django.contrib.auth.models.User": ["id", "username"]

See Censor for more information.


Character used in subquery for some commands (like c:annotate or c:join) to delimit a field/value pairs. For instance in continent/?c:join=field=regions|hide=countries, this is the pipe | character.

Default to pipe |


Character used in subquery for some commands (like c:annotate or c:join) to delimit different values of a same fields. For instance in region/?c:join=field=countries|show=name'population, this is the apostrophe ' character.

Default to apostrophe '


Take a list of function used to parse the value of a field/value pair in a query string.

Parsers must ba a callable or a dotted path (E.G. dgeq.parsers.none_parser) to a callable which return either the parsed type, or Ellipsis if no type were matched. If every parser returned Ellipsis, the value will be interpreted as a string.

Note that the order does matter : the first value different from Ellipsis will be used. So for instance, if you set float_parser before int_parser, all int will be parsed as float (since any int is a valid float).

You can directly use the imported parser, or the corresponding dotted path.

Default value is :
