
Exception allows the creation of an error result when a request failed.

The result is built like this:

except DgeqError as e:
    result = {
        "status":  False,
        "message": str(e),
        "code":    e.code,
        **{a: getattr(e, a) for a in e.details}

except Exception as:
    logger.warning("Unknown error in dgeq:", exc_info=True)
    result = {
        "status":  False,
        "message": "An unknown error occurred, please contact the administrator.",
        "code":    "UNKNOWN"

An exception inheriting DgeqError will build a comprehensive result with as many details as possible, while any other exception will result in a vague "An unknown error occurred, please contact the administrator.". The message stay vague and does not use the exception's message to avoid the disclosure of sensitive information. The exception will be logged as a warning to help administrator find the problem.

Custom Exceptions

To define a custom exception, simply inherit DgeqError, define a code attribute, and define the __str__() method.

You can also add arbitrary fields to the result by adding them as attributes of the exception and creating a details attribute listing each of the one you want added to the result.

For a practical example, below is the definition of SearchModifierError:

class SearchModifierError(DgeqError):
    """Raised when using a wrong combination of search modifier and value."""

    details = ['modifier', 'value', 'type']

    def __init__(self, modifier: str, value: Any):
        self.modifier = modifier
        self.value = value
        self.type = type(value).__name__

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            f"Search modifier '{self.modifier}' cannot be used on type "
            f"'{type(self.value).__name__}' "
            f"(type was extrapolated from value '{self.value}')"

To stay consistent with current code, only use upper-case letters, digits and underscore. code must stay unique between exceptions. Currently, used code are:


See errors for more details about the existing exceptions.