Helper Functions

To help your write new commands, you can use the following functions from dgeq.utils.

Throughout this guide, we’ll refer to the following models, which refer to the world geography :

class Continent(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)

class Region(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
    continent = models.ForeignKey(Continent, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="regions")

class Country(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
    area = models.BigIntegerField()
    population = models.BigIntegerField()
    region = models.ForeignKey(Region, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="countries")

class River(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
    discharge = models.IntegerField(null=True)
    length = models.IntegerField()
    countries = models.ManyToManyField(Country, related_name="rivers")


  • get_field(field, model)

Return the field named field of the given Model.

Parameters :

  • field (str) - Name of the field.
  • model (Type[models.Model]) - Model to retrieve the field from.
# Simple fields
>>> utils.get_field("name", Continent)
<django.db.models.fields.CharField: name>

# Foreign key
>>> utils.get_field("continent", Region)
<django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey: continent>

# M2M
>>> utils.get_field("countries", River)
<django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField: countries>

# Reverse relation
>>> utils.get_field("rivers", Country)
<ManyToManyRel: django_dummy_app.river>


  • check_field(field, model, censor, arbitrary_fields=(), sep=".")

Recursively check that a field exists.

arbitrary_fields can be a list of string indicating arbitrary field added by some QuerySet method (like annotate() or prefetch_related()).

Related fields are separated by sep. For instance, if a model Region has a foreign key 'continent' to a model Continent, one could do using dot . as sep.

Additionally, return a tuple (model : models.Model, field : str) corresponding to the last model and last field. For instance, using the same models as above, calling check_field(Region, "") would return (Continent, "name").

Parameters :

  • field (str) - Name of the field.
  • model (Type[models.Model]) - Model to retrieve the field from.
  • censor (Censor) - Current censor use by the GenericQuery.
  • arbitrary_fields (Iterable[str]) - Optional list of arbitrary fields not present by default in the model, e.g. fields added by annotations.
  • sep (str) - Separator used for spanning relationship lookup (default to .).

Raises :

  • UnknownFieldError if any of the field or foreign fields does not exist.
  • FieldDepthError if the depth of foreign field exceed DGEQ_MAX_NESTED_FIELD_DEPTH.
  • NotAForeignFieldError if a field used as a relation isn't a foreign field.
>>> utils.check_field("regions.countries", Continent, Censor())
# (<class 'django_dummy_app.models.Region'>, 'countries')

>>> utils.check_field("", Continent, Censor())
# (<class 'django_dummy_app.models.Country'>, 'name')

>>> utils.check_field("notafield", Continent, Censor())
# dgeq.exceptions.UnknownFieldError: Unknown field 'notafield' in the table 'Continent', valid fields are ['id', 'name', 'regions']

>>> utils.check_field("name.notrelated", Continent, Censor())
# dgeq.exceptions.NotARelatedFieldError: Field 'name' in table 'Continent', is neither a foreign key nor a list of foreign key. Valid fields are ['regions']

>>> utils.check_field("regions.countries.region.continent", Continent, Censor())
# dgeq.exceptions.FieldDepthError: Field 'regions.countries.region.continent' exceed the allowed depth of related field of 4


  • subquery_to_querydict(qs, fields_sep=None, values_sep=None)

Create a QueryDict out of a subquery string.

Subquery strings are value of commands using different key/value pairs, such as c:annotate or c:join.

Parameters :

Raises :

  • ValueError if no = is found in a key/value pair:
>>> utils.subquery_to_querydict("field=rivers|filters=rivers.length=>2000'rivers.length<3000|to=rivers_count|func=count", fields_sep="|", values_sep="'")
# <QueryDict: {'field': ['rivers'], 'filters': ['rivers.length=>2000', 'rivers.length<3000'], 'to': ['rivers_count'], 'func': ['count']}>

>>> utils.subquery_to_querydict("field=rivers|torivers_count", fields_sep="|", values_sep="'")
# ValueError: A key/value pair must contains an equal '=', received 'torivers_count'


  • split_list_values(lst, sep=',')

Return a list of the words in each string of lst, using sep as delimiter.

Since most commands accept multiple value in two ways :

  • With a separator, e.g. length=>5000,<6000
  • Reusing the field, e.g length=>5000&length=<6000

If both are combine, e.g. length=>5000,<6000&length=!5500, this can result in a QueryDict like this :

  • <QueryDict: {'rivers.length': ['>5000,<6000', '!5500']}>

This function split every element in a list of unique value.

Parameters :

  • lst (List[str]) A list of string.
  • sep (str) delimiter.
>>> utils.split_list_values(['>5000,<6000', '!5500'], ",")
# ['>5000', '<6000', '!5500']

  • split_related_field(model, fields, arbitrary_fields=())

Split the given fields of model into a tuple of iterables (fields, one_fields, many_fields).

  • one_fields Contain fields that are either ForeignKey, OneToOneField or OneToOneRel.
  • many_fields Contain fields that are either ManyToManyField, ManyToManyRel or ManyToOneRel.
  • fields contains all other fields.

Parameters :

  • model (Type[models.Model]) - Model to retrieve the field from.
  • fields (Iterable[str]) - Fields to be organized.
  • arbitrary_fields (Iterable[str]) - Optional list of arbitrary fields not present by default in the model, e.g. fields added by annotations.


  • serialize(instance: models.Model, public_fields=None, private_fields=None, user=None, use_permissions=False)

Serialize an instance the same way dgeq.GenericQuery would serialize a row.


  • model (models.Model) - instance to be serialized.
  • public_fields, private_fields, user, use_permissions - Allow filtering which field can be retrieved. See Censor.